Footy Training at Home

You may not be able to run out on the field with your mates and kick, tackle and sprint to victory, but you can still get the benefits of a great game of footy at home. Training is an essential component when it comes to playing a winning game and with these training tips, you can stay in good shape even during off periods. All you need is a can-do attitude, some weights and a Sherrin. Here are our top at-home recommendations:

  • Interval sprints

Sprinting is a core factor of footy. Short bursts of running at maximum speed and regular stopping and starting is required from you often throughout the game. While you may not have the same amount of room that a footy oval can offer, get creative and work with the space you have. Sprint the length of your backyard, and practice changing directions and stopping and starting.

  • Kicking

Undoubtably the most crucial part of footy is ball control. How you kick can affect your game, so practicing the skill at home will help you learn what your strengths are and what you need to work on. Try drop kicks, air kicks and low kicks with your dominant foot and then try them all again with your lesser preferred foot. Focus on where your body stands in relation to the ball and take mental notes of how you move. If your technique needs improvement, practice until its second nature. 

  • Handballing

In the same boat as kicking, handballing is all about control and it’s easy to practice your handballing alone at home. Try handballing the football above your head into the air and catch it using the same techniques as a chest or hand mark. Also practice handballing to a wall, aiming to react quickly and as cleanly as possible. Be aware of your reactions and alter your movement to smooth out your technique.

  • Strength training

Strength training will not only keep your body sharp, but your mind too, and is a great way to break up the demand of cardio workouts. Think planks, push ups, squats, and all types of core and muscle workouts. Also incorporate kettlebells or weights for variety.


Create a peronsalied training program

Footy training at home means something different to everyone. Whether you are a midfielder, a ruckman or a full forward there may be particular skills you want to focus on more. However way you choose to train, and what parts of your game you want to better, be sure to cater to your needs and create a program suited to that.